6721 N. Monroe St.
Spokane WA 99208

Tammy Bassett, Owner
Amanda Briggs, Director



Registration for Fall 2024 now open!! 

(click the apple's thought bubble on the left for a download of our registration form!)

Attention! Most of our classes are half full or more! 2 have only a spot or two left! 



End of Year Program 2024!


Dear Parents,

You are invited to our end of the year Program with refreshments afterwards!


Date:          THURSDAY, May 23 (Tues/Thurs class)

                  FRIDAY, May 24 (Mon/Wed/Fri class)

         We ask that our 5-day per week children attend both parties if possible.

The time for your child's program and refreshments is listed below.

 Please note:

   There will be NO regular classes these days; Only our programs and refreshments.

 Please arrive, with your child a few minutes before their scheduled time.  

                  Mrs. Dodge                                    9:00 am to 9:45

                  Mrs. Armendariz                          9:50 am to 10:35

                  Mrs. Atchison                               10:40 am to 11:25

                  Miss Bianca                                  11:30 am to 12:15      


What to bring:         ONE DOZEN COOKIES or TREATS

Please NO Cupcakes and snacks need to be packaged from a store with an ingredients label.

And remember, no peanut, tree nut, or sesame/tahini products because of allergies.)

The school will provide punch and napkins.


We have had a very good year and enjoyed your children, so very much. We will miss our students moving on to kindergarten next fall and wish them our best in their journey.

Thank you so much for a great year!

The entire staff of the Northside Learning Center Preschool






Dates to remember:

Our not so annual Worm “Race”    May 15th and 16th

(more information will be sent in a separate note)

Last Full Days of school                   May 21/22

End of Year Programs                     May 23/24

(more information will be sent in a separate letter)


Dear Parents, 

           Why Bugs!?  Insects and Spiders (what we commonly call bugs) are talented (mosquitoes can beat their wings 300 times a second!), famous (ever hear of Jiminy Cricket?), musical (cicadas sound as harmonious as an orchestra), and all-around incredible!

           Your children will learn about the exciting insect and spider world through literature and hands on discoveries; such as our Caterpillar/Butterfly Garden, and a ladybug home, with live bugs in them! They will be able to answer such questions as "What does a baby butterfly or ladybug look like?" or "What is it like inside a cocoon?". 

           Insects are found almost everywhere on earth.  They have successfully adapted to almost every environment except under the ocean.  Three-fourths of all animals are insects.  Over 1.5 million species of insects have been identified.  Although insect pests such as the mosquito, flea and louse receive a lot of negative attention, insects can be very beneficial to mankind.  They pollinate plants and are an important source of protein in many parts of the world.

           There are more than 30,000 different kinds of spiders in the world.  They can be found in forests, gardens, deserts, swamps, mountain-tops and fields.  Most spiders are helpful to us.  They eat many harmful insects so they help control the insect population without the use of insecticides.  Only a few spiders are poisonous to people. 





The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle

The ultimate Bug Book by Luise Woelflein                           

The Grouchy Ladybug by Eric Carle   

I wish I were a Butterfly by James Howe

The Bug Book  -by Kathy Kranking

Charlie the Caterpillar by Dom DeLuise

Mystery in Bugtown by William Boniface             

The Very Busy Spider by Eric Carle                     

Creepy Crawlers edited by Mandy Ross

Zoo Books: Insects

I Love Lady Bugs

The Lady bug and Other Insects

Bugs for Lunch

Monster Bugs



Wonderful Worms

Inch by Inch

The Adventures of Christopher Cricket



Thank you for such a great year with your kids! We have enjoyed watching them grow and love every single one of them!


Your Northside Learning Center Preschool Staff




(stay tuned for updates!)    




 PRESCHOOL CALENDAR FOR 2023-2024 a work in progress!
(more dates may be added throughout the school year and changes may be made)

August - first two weeks -

Letters sent to registered children/parents about school start-up by August 15th


August 31

 Meet your teacher day. Times will be sent with the letter in August.

September 5 

First Day of school for TTH and 5-day children

September 6

First day of school MWF 

September 28/29

Parents visit music time (a "not a program" event)


October 12/13

Fall Festival Days -for the preschoolers 
An "on site" trip to the pumpkin patch

October 26/27

Halloween program for parents to enjoy


November 8 & 9

Individual School Pictures Day

November 10

Veteran's Day  NO SCHOOL

November 22/23/24

Thanksgiving Holiday NO SCHOOL



December 14/15

Christmas Music program for parents 

December 18 through January 1

Christmas/winter break NO SCHOOL 


January 2/3

 Back to school

January 15

 Martin Luther King Jr. Day NO SCHOOL


February  14/15

 Valentine Parties

February 16

WE WILL HAVE SCHOOL (originally a snow makeup day)

February 19

NO SCHOOL President's Day 

February 20

NO SCHOOL Snow/Wind Storm Make-up day TTH


March 28/29

Spring Music program for parents


April 1st through April 5th 

NO SCHOOL Spring Break



May 21/22 

Last days of Classes at school

 May 23/24 

End of year PROGRAM  

May 27 Memorial Day  NO SCHOOL