6721 N. Monroe St.
Spokane WA 99208

Tammy Bassett, Owner
Amanda Briggs, Director


(Scroll down for our Calendar)


Special Announcement:

It is with sad hearts that we inform you that Mrs. Briggs’ mother, Mrs. Tammy Bassett, long-time owner of the preschool, has passed. Following in her footsteps, guided by her example, we will continue to bring quality fun and education to the young children, trusted to our care. Thank you.


Zoo Unit  Feb. 19th – March 28th  


Upcoming events: 

March 27/28:

Spring Music program for parents (no regular classes these days)

March 31 through April 4th 

NO SCHOOL Spring Break


Dear Parents, 

                Going to the Zoo, introduces the children to a variety of both familiar and exotic animals.  Through pictures, stories, films and activities, the children will learn to recognize these animals and learn some of their characteristics.  Animals are presented in folktales, and in poetry as well as in a factual manner.  Creative expression is provided by music, art, and physical activities.

               The animals children are most familiar with are mammals.  This unit gives the children a basic understanding of other groups as well as characteristics that distinguish each group from other classes of animals, such as reptiles and amphibians.




Caps For Sale by Slobokin - a monkey story                                                                         

A Zoo for Mister Muster by Arnold Lobel                                                                                         

There's a Hippopotamus Under My Bed by M. Thaler

Little Gorilla by Ruth Bornstein

At the Zoo 

Animals of Australia

Chickens aren't the only ones

Shape Shifters

The Baby Animal Book

The Emperor's Egg

Giraffes Can't Dance

Animals that live in trees

Bats at the beach

What do you do with a tail like this?

Baby Animal Stories by National Geographic



               Your preschool staff






A note about snacks:

Snack Time: Children will have snack time at 10:25 each morning.  Each child provides their own snack and water bottle. It helps with “picky eaters” and allergy concerns, as well as for any families with specific dietary needs or preferences. 

PLEASE, label your child’s water bottles and snack bags, with their first and last names! They get carried room to room and are often accidently left behind and then our staff has trouble getting them back to the right child. We also have several that are similar and that can create confusion.

Even though each child is bringing their own snack, please, do not bring snacks containing any kind of NUT/PEANUT. As careful as we are, the oils can still be spread around and get to any child who may have an allergy. This includes, almond oil, (watch the fruit snacks) and peanut oil.  And some cheese crackers have peanut flour in them! Please read ingredient labels! Snacks with labels that say “may contain” or “processed in a facility” are ok.

Snacks should be simple and nutritious.

We suggest:

Vegetable/Fruit (slices), Granola Bars (nut free), Muffins or Sweet breads (watch for nuts & toppings),Crackers, Fruit rollups, Cheese, Fruit Snacks, applesauce cups, yogurt push-ups (like go-gurt). Please: No sweet cookies, cake, candy, or ice cream except for celebrating birthdays. 





(stay tuned for updates!)    





PRESCHOOL CALENDAR FOR 2024-2025 a work in progress!
(more dates may be added throughout the school year 
and changes may be made)


August 29

Meet your teacher day. Times will be sent with the letter in Aug.


September 3 

First Day of school for TTH and 5-day children

September 4

First day of school MWF 

September 26/27

Parents music visit (no regular classes these days)


October 17/18

Fall Festival Days -for the students only (not parents)

October 23/24

Individual School Photos

October 31/Nov. 1

Halloween music program (no regular classes these days)


November 11

NO SCHOOL Veteran's Day 

November 27/28/29

NO SCHOOL Thanksgiving Holiday 


December 19/20

Christmas Music program  (no regular classes these days)

December 23 through January 3

NO SCHOOL Christmas/winter break                                                                          


January 6/7

Back to school

January 20

NO SCHOOL Martin Luther King Jr. Day 


February  12/13

Valentine Parties

February 14

NO SCHOOL Snow/Wind Storm Make-up day MWF

February 17

NO SCHOOL President's Day 

February 18

NO SCHOOL Snow/Wind Storm Make-up day TTH


March 27/28

Spring Music program for parents (no regular classes these days)


March 31 through April 4th 

NO SCHOOL Spring Break


May 20/21

Last days of Classes

May 22/23 

End of year PROGRAM AND PARTY  (no regular classes these days)

May 26 Memorial Day Have a great summer!