About Northside Learning Center Preschool in North Spokane, WA
- Exclusively a Preschool, 3 to 5 years
- Morning Session Only (8:55 AM to12:15 PM)
- School year September through May
- 2, 3, and 5 Days per week sessions for all ages
- Children stay with the same class and teacher the entire morning
- Small class sizes divided by age group
Children spend time in each of 4 activity centers daily:
Music and Rhythm
Language Arts and Math Skills
Free Play
Arts and Crafts

Northside Learning Center Preschool is located in north Spokane, in the Northwood Presbyterian Church, but is not church affiliated. The school has five large classrooms located on the main floor and each has large windows, creating an airy, light environment allowing the children the pleasure of seeing the seasonal changes throughout the year. The large size rooms provide the children important space for movement and play. The classrooms are clean, pleasant, well-equipped and well organized. Unlike many preschools that deal with only language or social development, the Northside Learning Center Preschool effectively covers all developmental areas by employing thematic teaching to create a learning experience throughout the morning. Each of the classrooms is set up and equipped as one activity center.
Click here for a Google map of our location.
Your child will rotate with their teacher and classmates to the four different centers during the morning. Each of our teachers follows a scheduled rotation and the classes spend approximately 40 minutes in each of the centers. Rotating to the different centers and having a complete change of activities and materials to explore keeps the children excited and interested throughout the 3-hour morning. It's been proven that rotation and variety of activities and materials account for improved learning, and greatly enhance the education experience for the child.
There are qualified, experienced teachers on staff for each session. The children are divided into classes, usually within 6 months of each other in age, and stay with the same teacher and class for the entire school year.
Our teaching approach is to make examples of stimulating, visual, and solid concepts for the pre-schoolers. By doing so, the child, as well as the teacher, experiences success and confidence. The child develops the sense that "I can do it". Social development, art and creative drama receive the same priority as math, reading readiness and language. A high degree of consistency, quality, and professionalism is provided by the staff at all times. We receive high praises from parents for the quality and expertise of our teachers.
Remember, your child will be introduced to materials and will work only in those areas that are appropriate for his or her age and level of abilities.
Enrollment Requirements
To be eligible for enrollment, your child must be at least three years old as of September 30th and must be able to use the bathroom independently. We do make sure the children get to and from the bathroom safely and we have regular potty breaks. Our teachers can help with buttons, etc. but, please dress your child in clothes that are easy for them.
Teachers' qualifications
The qualifications vary with some teachers having over twenty-five years of experience, and/or a degree in Early Childhood Development or Elementary Education. Lesson plans are developed by the director, who has Early Childhood Development from SFCC.
Parent Information
You will receive a "Unit Letter"at the beginning of each new unit. Parents may wish to extend the monthly theme at home. Also, contained in that letter will be any important dates to remember and upcoming special events.
Unit letters and special info will also be posted under the "Parent Info" section of this web site.
Illness, Vacation, Withdrawal
If your child is ill please, call the school. [509-328-2002] When you anticipate that your child will be absent for a prolonged period, please, call the preschool. If it becomes necessary to withdraw your child for any reason, you must notify the preschool in advance so your child can be withdrawn and no monthly fee will be charged. Should you desire to re-enroll your child, you must call again to be sure there is a place available. No places are held without payment of the monthly fee.
Snack Time
Snack time starts at 10:25 a.m. each day. The children will need a snack in a lunch container (lunch pail, paper bag, etc) and a water bottle, daily. Please, write your child's full name on the snack container and the water bottle. Snacks should be kept simple, and nutritious. Please, do not send snacks with any type of nut or peanut product. There are always children with peanut and tree nut allergies. No gum is allowed at the school.
Car Pools
Please, send a note if you form a car pool, listing the parents involved and the days your child will be picked up by someone other than yourself. If for some reason this should change, send a note for that day to advise the teacher. If you need a list of families enrolled, please contact a director or your child's teacher.
Show and Tell Time
Children are given time for Show and Tell on the first school week of each month only. We prefer this not be a toy, but some other object of interest, such as a shell, a bird nest, a letter, pictures, etc. No toy weapons are allowed in school. Send items in a bag labeled with your child's name.
School Clothing
Dress your child for COMFORT, PLAY AND THE WEATHER. Children must wear sturdy shoes for play. No open toed sandals or jellies and no snow boots (bring shoes to change into), please. Children wearing inappropriate shoes will be sent home. Art activities can be messy and although paint smocks are used, stains may happen. Please label your child's coat, sweater, boots, cap, and mittens with his or her full name. Each teacher has a specific coat rack for her class.
School Discipline
No corporal punishment of any type is ever used by any member of the staff. No child is ever isolated from a class or teacher. Control and discipline is maintained in school by using sound classroom management techniques. Your child will be treated with respect, consideration, and understanding.
Readiness Evaluations
All older children in the school are given a school readiness evaluation in May before school ends. Younger children are given a progress evaluation.